Your security is our Priority
When you sign up to use StackGuardian, we sign up to keep your data safe.
StackGuardian is fully committed to protecting the privacy and data of all our users. We know you are trusting us with your data, and we take that responsibility very seriously.
We work with you to make sure security and privacy come first. We do our part by building it into every layer of our platform. Then, we give you unparalleled control with customizable security and privacy controls to meet your needs and standards.
Infrastructure, application and network security
Data Encryption
Note that 100% of all customer data is stored entirely within Amazon Web Service and is always encrypted at rest and in transit (TLS). StackGuardian implements End-to-End Transport Layer Security (TLS) across the platform.
To learn more about AWS’s encryption standards, read this here
All data storage technologies that we use, encrypt all data before it is written to disks.
Advanced access controls
Single sign-on via SAML and OpenId supports user management and system security.
We restrict access to StackGuardian's production environment by StackGuardian personnel on the basis of business need.
Monitoring and audit trails
Tamper-proof audit log and configurable login history enable active monitoring and auditing.
StackGuardian monitors privileged access to applications that process Customer Data, including cloud services.
Network ACLs
We follow a microservice architecture in which the different services are loosely coupled and each of them is responsible only for a specific feature or function within the application.
Access is restricted to the microservices on a networking level. Services and databases hosted by AWS, by default, are not accessible from anywhere; explicit inbound rules must be added manually.